This is a cat.
The internet especially loves it when cats do things.
Cats enjoy a variety of activities.
This one is battling Decepticons.
I've put off starting this blog for a while partially because I just don't know where to start. And because it seems like everybody else already has a blog. Everyone. Martha Stewart has a blog. I think Al Roker blogged for a little bit. There may be a you in a different dimension that has a blog and the you in this dimension might not even know about it. In another dimension you may also have tentacles. In the future, this blog will not in any way involve cats or tentacles.
Cats in other dimensions have tentacles.
In the past year and a half there have been a lot changes and it's been a lot to wrap my head around it. We've moved to the other side of the country, changed jobs, made new friends, are renovating a house, changed what we eat, how we exercise, I started making toothpaste, we're recording an album and the husband and his brother are developing an indie video game.
There's been lots of exciting things happening but honestly, I've struggled getting adjusted to all the changes and finding where I fit in my own life. Am I employee #247 at a job? Am I best wife ever who spends all her time cooking, cleaning and making babies? Am I a musician that needs to focus on pretending to be 3,000 times cooler than I really am?
As a musician, I understand the basic concept of rhythm. Where I'm at now is attempting to apply that idea of rhythm to life overall. The actual events and situations in our lives can be completely unpredictable, but that doesn't have to define us. I guess by blogging about what's happening and what I'm working on I'm trying to pin down who I was made to be at my very deepest level, so maybe I can learn to roll with punches not just with acceptance but with downright joy.
Also, blogging is way cheaper than scrapbooking.
Tell me more about how you make your own toothpaste, you awesome thing.
ReplyDeleteHa! Ok. What do you want to know? I have a very unfinished page at I wanted to sell it on Etsy but can't figure out how to ship it without leaking. :( It's coconut oil based, all natural, with no fluoride or anything else that people say may potentially kill you, but let's go ahead and try it anyways and see what happens. We've been using it about a year; my teeth are whiter, stronger and no longer cold-sensitive. Yay! So I'm loving it. :)